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Today is December 30, 2024
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Marathon, WI
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Marathon , WI | (715) 200 8343
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I have extensive experience working with children, teens and parents. I utilize a variety of techniques in my practice, however I prioritize using a trauma-informed approach in building positive working relationships with each of my clients. View 4 Photos My experience includes working with children of all ages, including children & families with diverse cultural, developemental and economic backgrounds. The clients I work with present with a wide variety of needs. Some examples include: Anxiety, Depression, Trauma/Abuse, Dysfunctional Family Dynamics, Autism, and Grief. I use developmentally appropraite techniques and practices that meet the needs of each of my individual clients. All children and families are treated with mutual respect and encouraged to become their best self throughout the process of treatment.
Marathon , WI | (715) 330 4594
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I have in-depth experience with anxiety disorders, depression and grief issues. I have 11 years of experience working in the mental health field in the following areas: Residential Treatment, Outpatient Mental Health, College Counseling and Employee Assistance Programs. I have a Masters of Arts Counseling degree from Lakeland College and an Undergraduate degree from the University of MN. Using a holistic, strength-based approach to therapy, I can help you on your path to healing, balance and a more meaningful life. I have found Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, relaxation techniques and mindfulness to be particularly useful in treating panic disorders, phobias, anxiety disorders, stress, controlling anger and healing past trauma. I have been able to help survivors of abuse travel a shorter, less painful and more thorough therapeutic journey, while working in various settings. I firmly believe that all people are created equal no matter what walk of life they come from. Everyone has the potential to make positive changes in their life.
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